Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Time to Revitalize this Blog!!!

Ummm...WOW!  I cannot believe that I've neglected my blog for six months!!!!!  As many of you know, winter is notoriously hard for me health wise, so I could say that was partly to blame...but the reality of the situation is that I had no motivation to write.  I had all kinds of ideas for various posts that inevitably occurred while I was getting ready for bed.  By the time I woke up, I'd forgotten what I wanted to write about.  If I'm being honest with myself...just a bunch of excuses.

Well, last month I had a swift kick in the pants in the form of the Art Business Academy hosted by Jason Horejs of Xanadu Gallery.  A lot of what we've been discussing has been quality and consistency in your  artwork.  This also plays into every other aspect of running an art business.  One of the tools mentioned is ToDoist.  OMG.  Talk about a life changer!!!  It's a great to do list to help stay on track and I have found already that it is helping me greatly with staying on top of the administrative tasks.  As part of this revitalizing my digital imprint, I started two separate newsletters.  One newsletter is just for my sculpting and one is for my ceramic jewelry side of things.  You can sign up for the newsletters by going HERE for the sculpting one, and/or HERE for the ceramic jewelry one.  If you opt to receive the newsletter for ceramic jewelry, you will notice that I'm running my first ever Jewelry Design Challenge!!!  I'll write more on that later.  This post was more of a re-acquaintance with writing.  An item I can now check off my list on ToDoist. ;)


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